Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hi all

This will be my first post on my newest "amateur" beauty blog. Here you will find all sorts of things I like, what I think is essential, and maybe even some reviews, all pertaining to my love of MAKEUP!
A little background info about me...I am 19 years old and a college student majoring in Editing, Writing, and Media, which is a branch of English at my university. I love writing (and makeup) so I decided this: why not combine the two, and see what comes of it! Any feedback from anyone who reads this is greatly appreciated, for I am aware that I will not have many readers right of the bat, or for years to come. I am not an expert on anything I speak of in this blog, these are merely my opinions and observations. If you wish to contact me, my email is I check it often. All right, signing off now, and may the odds be ever in my favor! :)

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