Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Day in My Life: Mom's Birthday!

Today is my best friend and role model's mama! I wanted to dedicate today's post to her and talk about how we celebrated her special day.

Over the years, we sort of created this tradition where we have lunch at Neiman Marcus. I know, it sounds kind of eat lunch in a department store...? Well, yes. My grandma, my younger cousin, me, and my mom all have birthdays in June, so Neiman Marcus became a sort of rendezvous where we would celebrate all at once. Although we were only celebrating my mom's day, it was nice to be all in the same place together again. And, of course, I had to take an OOTD picture. I guess I have fun dressing up sometimes.

For lunch, we started out with popovers and strawberry butter, and I must say, this is my favorite part about eating there. They are sooo delicious. Crispy and flaky on the outside with soft bread on the inside. The butter is sweet and has a hint of strawberry mixed in. I was never a butter person growing up but this was always an exception.

For my main course, I ordered the Mandarin Orange Souffle. It's a gelatin souffle made with chunks of mandarin orange inside. A Florida girl's heaven... if you catch my drift. It also comes with chicken salad, a cup of fruit, and a blueberry muffin on the side. Our server told me today that the poppyseed dressing (which I dumped on the chicken salad) is actually meant for the fruit. I was shocked to hear this because I've always put it on the chicken salad. I know it seems weird, but it is just soo tasty. My mom introduced me to this. 

Our server was so nice and surprised my mom with a dessert. I snapped this picture of her blowing out the candle! I suppose this is their take on raspberry cheesecake. Also amazing.

 Those little cups near her plate are actually meant for chicken soup broth. It's served with a cheese biscuit. I swear this place is heaven. It seems super girly at first because there are usually a bunch of old ladies dining there, but I brought my boyfriend here last year for my birthday lunch and he loved it! He got a burger and fries I think.

After lunch, we went on home to relax for a bit because yep, you guessed it-- we were going to the movies again! I'm telling you we are movie fanatics. My mom had been lusting to see Spy because she loves Melissa McCarthy. I might have raved about it too...I already saw it with my bf a few weeks ago, but I was really excited to see it again and share the experience with my famiy.

My dad ended up surprising her with a carvel cake! Yum. We were too tired to eat it after the movie though.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about my very special mama's birthday. 
Until next time,  

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