Saturday, February 27, 2016

MAMBI Happy Planner Haul - NEW CHA 2016 RELEASES!!!


I had been waiting a hot minute for Me and My Big Ideas to FINALLY release their new products that debuted at CHA 2016, and to hold them in my hands is short of a Planner Miracle (is this a thing? it should be!).

When the products first launched on their website, I was so excited that I actually waited a few weeks to buy anything. I had an idea of what I wanted, but kept going back and forth with products in my cart because I obviously didn't want to order everything at once (although I wish I could!). And then one day, I was scrolling through my normal instagram tags when I saw someone post about seeing some stuff arrive in Hobby Lobby. I have a Hobby Lobby only 10 mins or so from my house so immediately I was like: Must. Go. 

Sure enough, I made it last weekend and they had just about everything in stock that they supplied. To my dismay, the smaller storage pouch that attaches to the back cover of The Happy Planner was out of stock! But I didn't stress because I knew they were selling it and it'd be back in a matter of time. The real "planner problem" if you will (let's just dub a bunch of terms today!) was that there weren't ANY of some of the new products I was looking for in stock, including the must anticipated pre-punched washi sticker pack, dashboard dividers, new sticky notes insert, etc.

But to get on with the haul... I picked up the two new sticker packs which include "Everyday Reminders" stickers of all shapes and sizes, an updated version (and combined?) of the To Do and Don't Forget sticker packs (which they do still sell). This new pack will be a definite replenisher (something I have no problem using to my liking and rebuying as needed) and features gold foil and the tiniest colorful icons in circles, which are slightly more appealing than the Colorful Icon pack (which I also picked up). That pack has Green, Light Blue, Teal, Dark Blue, Purple, Pink, Yellow, Orange and Red, as well as a Pastel Pink and Blue/Gold Foil combo - whoa that's a mouthful. The icons include an arrow (pointing to the right), asteriks, star, exclamation point, heart, and bigger astericks. 

The next things I picked up were sort of unexpected, with the exception of the new half sheet notepaper. I absolutely love the quality of The Happy Planner paper. It's thick, so you can use a variety of pens on them and they won't bleed. It also just feels great to write on and take notes with. I use the dated notepaper a lot for work when I'm researching and drafting pieces. But the half sheet notepaper is a whole new door to creativity, leaving room for lists, tasks, to do, and the like. Also great for when you just don't want to use a whole sheet of paper (because the reg. sheets are quite big!). In addition, my mom insisted I needed the planner bands, which I was waiting to actually pick up once I chose my new 2016-2017 planner, which I'm lookinh forward to unveiling and sharing with you. The planner bands come in a blue, pink, and gold, which are versatile colors that play with The Happy Planner's various covers quite well. I have the blue one on my black My Life planner cover right now as you will see below. Also, I picked up the "Hello" edition of the magnetic page markers, which I really knew I didn't need but are so darn cute. These are very strong, and I currently have the "hello" mint flag on my week, holding it from the month to the last week of the month for an easy flip. The striped arrow is on the other side of my weekly spread, holding the reminder of whatever the weeks are in the month I'm on (Feb). The "Life is Good" and pink heart with white polkas are also adorable, but my mom definitely snatched!

Last, but certainly not least are the new Pocket Pages and Pocket Cards, a new system for memory keeping that is revolutionizing the planner commuity right now. Not one single company has anything like this for planners, and MAMBI certainly knows what they're doing because pocket pages are the hottest scrapbooking trend right now (see Project Life and Simple Stories Sn@P - well, SS are pioneers in this too, because the SN@P system has ways of planning and memory keeping simutaneously, but that's for another post...). So, obviously when I saw this I had a plannergasm (yay, more terms!) and knew I was going to buy them. Then fast forward a few weeks, and I'm totally suckered into scrapbooking, Project Life style (stay tuned for this post). I immediately can the MAMBI pocket page system because I didn't believe it would sufficiently work for me if I was going to start doing PL. It would just overwhelm me, and I'd be repeating too much. So why was it on the car ride to Hobby Lobby that I was like forget it, I'm getting it? (#rhetorical) I really don't know. 

After playing around with it, I found the Pocket Pages to be of very good quality, just like the ones I bought for my PL. Now the question is, would I go back and not have boughten everything I needed to start PL, and just stick with the MAMBI? And, the answer is no, because scrapbooking for PL is completely different than Pocket Pages for MAMBI. I've been putting (so far) a lot of effort, time, and money, into my PL because it's just an entire different creative outlet. Pocket Pages are fun to stick in here and there, and one day you'll see how I'm incorporating them once I figure out their best use, which will probably be in my 2016-2017 planner setup.

I'm really enjoying my items right now but there are just so many more calling my name. If you're a Happy Planner, what have you been enjoying from the new line or what do you plan on picking up?

Until next time,

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