Saturday, July 7, 2012

Battle of the Brands: Wildfox Couture vs. Local Celebrity

I absolutely LOVE watching beauty gurus on YouTube, and I've been watching some girls for about two years now. This summer, I just started watching a girl named Lindsey by the username of Beautybaby44. I adore this girl so much. She is so so super sweet, and is amazing at what she does on Youtube. She has a cute personality, and I get a lot of my clothing inspiration from her hauls and fashion videos.

Recently, Lindsey went to IMATS (International Makeup-Artist Trade Show) in Los Angeles, California. When she got back from her trip, she did an awesome haul video for her subscribers/viewers (one of many of them being me =])! Anyway, she hauled this adorable clothing item I am lusting over. I just can't get over how cute it is.

It's a Wildfox Couture sweater! These things are terribly expensive, plunging in at a whopping $108! One day, I hope to own one of these, but they may not have this particular one if I ever have enough money to get one. It's very casual and cute, perfect to wear with denim jeans or shorts! It's lightweight too, so you can wear them in any season. I'm such a California dreamer, so this is basically me in a sweater, and the cute little car is to die for, lol! 

Coincidentally, I was browsing Pacsun online the other day and I found a cute alternative to this sweater:

This bright yellow top is by the brand "Local Celebrity" and it's called the "LA Stones Lounger Fleece." Although it isn't as slouchy and baggy, it still has that Wildfox sweater feel to it, with the solid color and graphic on the front. It's also much cheaper at $39.50. This is a definite must have for my closet. Check your local Pacsun to see it in stores!

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