Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Bucket List (To Be Continued)

Happy summer my fellow readers! In honor of this brand new and dazzling season, I thought: why not kick it off with a bucket list of things I'd like to do this summer with my family and friends. Below is what I have so far, and if I think of anything else, I'll be sure to update this post so you can keep checking back on it over the summer if you're bored and hey, maybe it'll inspire you too.

I love bucket lists because I think they're both inspirational and motivational. Although I know I probably won't be able to do everything on my list, I will look back at it one day and remember what I was doing, or rather, what I wanted to do. I plan to strikethrough the items if I complete them. At the end of the summer in like September, I will post what I did do, my experience, what I didn't do and maybe why. It will be a fun little adventure, and I hope you will come along with me and even participate! In no particular order, here is my Summer Bucket List. Also, please note I have withheld names of local places to keep people from potentially finding my exact location. Thanks!

  1.  Go to my favorite chinese restaurant - this one has my all time favorite dish- crispy beef. It has been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl, and I would beg my parents every year to go here for my birthday dinner. My grandparents love it too, so they started taking us instead. It is expensive, and I obviously don't get to go to it very often.
  2. Go to my other favorite chinese restaurant - this restaurant is a favorite of my family's. We go here more often than the other place, but it is far away - about a 45 minute drive. Not only does it have delicious food, but it also has a casino in the area it is located in, so we sometimes gamble there after dinner. There's also a Krispy Kreme on the way home that we stop by to get fresh doughnuts, and they're usually hot off the press.
  3. Go to the beach with my mom - I went to this really nice beach on my birthday with my boyfriend & best guy friend, and I liked it so much that I want to bring my mom there!
  4. See the movie Paper Towns with my boyfriend - last summer, I practically begged my bf to see The Fault in Our Stars with me. I read the book in approximately 48 hours and was so hooked by the story that I wanted to see the movie with the person I loved most. I love anything by John Green (I'm actually currently reading Looking for Alaska when I should be reading Paper Towns first), so naturally I'd like to see another movie of his with my bf. The problem is that he is very stubborn, and won't see "romantic" movies with me, except for the fact that Paper Towns isn't entirely a love story or anything, more of an adventure story, and I somehow cannot convince him of this fact.
  5. Read The Catcher in the Rye - I've owned this book for about five years now, and haven't been able to finish it. I keep restarting because I get distracted by school or get busy doing something else. It's a classic that needs to float around and get contemplated in my brain already, despite the fact that it disgusts me that I haven't read it yet. I have a lot of reading to do.
  6. Go to at least one of the outlets near my residence - I absolutely love outlet malls (hello, discounts) because I like to think of myself as a bargain shopper. Who doesn't love getting a good deal? The issue is that both outlet malls are far from where I live. Both are 45 minutes to an hour away in different directions, so it's hard to find the time to go.
  7. Have a hot tub/s'mores party - I was actually swimming in the pool in my backyard one day when I had the idea. There is a hot tub/whirlpool attatched to my pool that we never use. Combine that with roasting marshmallows and smashing them between graham crackers and chocolate sounds like heaven. 
  8. Go to an old favorite breakfast place in south FL - I haven't been there in years, but my memories include eating chocolate covered fruit while waiting to be seated. I also have a fond recollection of their french toast. Two problems: 1) it's pretty far away - again, 45 mins to an hour from my house and 2) we have to wake up super early to eat there.
  9. Find a new pie place with my dad - my dad and I are lovers of banana cream pie and no place to get it. I did, however, find a place using yelp that's not too far, so I'm hoping to take a drive with him and try it out. If successful, I'll share the details of that mission!
  10. Get a new agenda for 2016 - I am a notorious planner girl with no shame. As a lover of stationery and organization, it excites me to pick out a new agenda every year. Right now, I am considering a Lilly one or whatever Kikki.K has up their sleeves for 2016. I will do a separate post covering this and going more in depth, most likely around the end of July/beginning of August.
  11. Make bananas foster - I love desserts with banana in it for some reason, but this one really hits home for me. My mom has a special gift for making it, so hopefully I can get her to make it soon.
  12. Universal Orlando trip with friends - summer after summer my friends and I try to plan a trip to Orlando, and it just keeps on failing. Epically. This summer, we're really trying to pull it through and have a weekend to remember!
So, what might be on your Summer Bucket List? Do you have any big plans in mind?
Until next time,

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